
I have digitsed the Directory into a data file that includes all the characters listed (over 1,500!) including their location and occupation and business where known. Most characters have a location but no identified occupation or business. This was a complex task as the pdf conversion was very messy.

I have then added some other fields to the data file to preset any information about specific characters, including:
  • whether male or female
  • any known relationship to other characters, i.e. spouse, parent, son, daughter, sibling
  • racial background
  • fixed social class
  • fixed occupation and business

Inspector Lestrade, for example, has a fixed occupation of Detective.

The rest of a characters background is then randomly generated by the program.

The intention is to use the physical London Map and London Directory supplied with the original game as the basis for locating characters and businesses when playing a case.

Character Attributes

Any attributes which are not preset are then randomly generated. These attributes include:

  • Personal (age, sex, height, weight, hair, eyes, beauty, country)
  • Abilities (charisma, strength, agility, intelligence)
  • Culture
    • Openness to experience – curiosity vs. cautiousness (explore new things)
    • Conscientious – organized vs. careless (planning v not)
    • Extraversion – outgoing vs. withdrawn (sharing feelings, knowledge, deeds)
    • Agreeableness – cooperative vs. antagonistic (reaction to others deeds)
    • Neuroticism – nervous vs. confident (willingness to take risks
  • Values (self, others)
  • Skills (medical, artistic, financial, etc)
  • Interests (art, reading, smoking, drinking etc)
  • Health (heart, lungs, liver etc)
